a life worth living… 9/11
More often than not, I get really caught up in the dramas of my life. I don’t realize that there are others out there who feel the same or worse. But during those moments, it really doesn’t matter to me what is happening to anyone else. I just wanna get through my own problems the best I can.
I don’t know how I came across this website, but it’s the more or less the last testimony of his life. As selfish as taking your life can be, there’s some comfort to be found in at least an explanation of why someone wants to end his life.
While reading what he wrote, it was somewhat difficult to grasp how much pain and suffering this guy had to be in, but in another sense, I could identify with his struggle to find peace in his life, to be happy. I have dealt with depression and happiness stuggles at different times and it’s never been fun. Luckily, when I start to feel this sad, I try to make myself realize how fortunate I am. I have a great family, many wonderful friends, and a whole lot of people who care about me. If I ever decided that I was about to kill myself, I feel like there are at least 5-10 people, probably more, that I could immediately consult with about the way I feel. I may not live around most of my friends and family right now, but I know there’s a strong presence of people in my life for support and love.
Then there’s today, the 3rd anniversary of 9/11. To have your life taken from you without your permission. I can’t believe it’s already been 3 years. What a tragedy.
I guess that I will take this moment to thank each and everyone who is there for me. Thank you!
Life is a blessing; cherish the moments you spend with your friends and family.