all for the experience
Well, this month has been almost totally unproductive for me. Last month felt the same. And next month will probably be more of the same. I have already decided to hold off on seeking jobs until the new year. Everything pretty much shuts down here in Hollywood in December so there’s no point in really trying when I’m only going to be around for maybe 10 days if even that. So, in the meantime, while I’m on my vacations, I will be enjoying the free time!
I do have a few web projects to get to, but like everything else I’ve been doing, they have been sitting around for a while. I feel like it’s harder to work myself up mentally to starting them. And, the one project which has been on my mind lately is sitting in limbo while I try to think of the next best idea. It’s so difficult to be original when you’re given so many boundaries, and trying to make sure you’re not a copycat is the other concern. I have an idea of what I should do with this one design, but I just can’t seem to work it out in my head. And, when I sit at the computer to try and put it together, I obviously get easily distracted. Well, maybe this long break will give me the much needed refresh that I could use.
I’ll tell you what I could use is a nice trip to Paris for Christmas! Take in all of the sights, sit at some coffee shops with friends just people watching. That would be great. Or maybe Christmas in New York. I could definitely be up for that! That’s actually a goal of mine, to spend a Christmas season in New York, just for the experience and ambience. I think it would be a great experience and a lot of fun!
But, I am pretty much on my own with all of these ideas. Most of my friends have fou… screw that. I’m not gonna sit here and act like I need pity. I make my own decisions, I choose my own actions. I am fully responsible for my life, and no one else is to be blamed! I’m not that lonely, just sorta alone. It’s no big deal really. Life is great and I am absolutely happy to be here trying everything out! It’s not always easy, but it’s more of an adventure than I could have had back in Texas. And besides, I tried for the longest time to seek regular employment before I moved here and nothing ever seemed to work out. So, since I did move, I plan on making this work out. I am going to give it all I have. And if it doesn’t work out, if I can’t afford this dream anymore, no big deal! Life is too short to worry about that stuff. I’ll just move on to my next agenda, make more dreams and continue my life in another way. In the meantime, it’s all about the entertainment industry, baby!
Reminder of the season: When is the last time you backed up all of your important files on your computer?? Isn’t it about time you do that again?! Don’t say I didn’t warn you in advance!