Almost a month
Wow, I can’t believe I’ve already been here for almost a month. Then again, I really haven’t been doing too much for time to just get away from me like this. I will finally be trained this weekend for my job and then it’s getting the hours for the pay!
You figure I would have already visited some studios and talked to some people by now but it’s just not like that. Currently, my roommate and I are recording a song that he’s going to pitch to one of his business partners in hopes that they’ll pick it up for a movie soundtrack. I’m using software that I’ve never used (we’re recording it digitally) so there’s a learning curve but I’m getting the hang of it.
So there’s not much to talk about right now about my life personally. I’ve been to Hollywood a few times, I’ve driven to a few other places, beaches and such. But nothing out of the ordinary so far . . . . Wait, this is all out of the ordinary! When everything picks up, I’ll be sure to let you know what happens.