back in the rush
Yeah, that barely describes what I’m facing in terms of getting this CD made. School on top of that doesn’t help! But it was a slow night here at home so I watched a goofy movie called “Get Over It”. The reason I wanted to watch it was because of Kirsten Dunst. She rocks! The movie was alright over all. If you want a great move that she acts in, check out “Crazy/Beautiful” or “Virgin Suicides”. There are others but go to her website or here to get more info.
So I have been back in Denver for almost a week. It’s back to normal. Finished a project in one lab on Monday and already have 2 labs for next week. I hate going to most of these labs because I’d rather be at home just chillin’ but obviously I can’t do that all the time. I gotta educate myself this last month and a half.
Speaking of which, yeah, 6 weeks until graduation. I’m definitely not walking which is fine by me. I’m ready to just put school behind me. Six years of college is definitely enough. But, in a twist of humor, there are a few more classes that I’ve love to take including photography and graphic design. Maybe learn a little acting. I’m definitely an arts person.
Oh, I guess some bigger news in right before I left for LA I uploaded the church’s new web design! Check it out here. I like it and hope that it serves well. When I get more free time, I should do a little maintenance work to my website. Like add stuff. All this website does is display this web journal. What should I add??