It was a long time coming but it’s finally official.
I have 30 days to vacate my residence.

The house which I’ve called home for 8 years will soon become a place in my past. The owner put the house up for sale last summer, something which was long in the making. They were beyond ready to sell this place.

I came home after a day at my temp job followed by a social call with a friend.  Not soon after I dumped my bag on the bed and started getting online, my roommate comes to the room and says, “Breaking news, the house has been sold”.

Not that I didn’t see it coming but it had been so long that I put it out of my mind.

I have the next 30 days to decide where my next adventure will begin. This has been a long chapter that I’ll be happy to leave behind for so many reasons but not without some sentimental reflection. Eight years of my life was consistently spent in this house. In fact, I moved into this house the weekend of my birthday of 2004. Seems so long ago.

At this moment, I do not have the answers I seek.
Who, what, where, and why.

All I know is the when.
The last possible when.

The answers will appear. I just hope it’s sooner than later.