individuality and little time left
Have you ever searched online for people with your same name? I was surfing the Yahoo network last night searching the directory of people with profiles and browsed all those Micahs that live out there. It’s pretty amazing to know that there are thousands of Micahs besides me. It’s not really a big issue until it becomes personal. See, I resumed classes last January with a new set of people along with some returning classmates from my first semester. As Professor Pritts began calling out the roll, he read my name (he keeps calling me Me-kah) and then followed it with the other Micah in my class. Yes, not only was there another Micah in not just one but all three of my classes last semester but he again is in two of my classes this semester. It’s almost an identity crisis that I’ve never had to face before. I’m the quiet one out of the two and so I have begun tuning out when people call out my name… Yeah, I can almost completely tune my name out; that’s certainly not good when now I’m half way to being deaf. You never realize how you’re an individual until your counterpart burdens your name. (I mean no disregard towards Micah as I’m sure he’s a great guy)
In other news, Thanksgiving is next week. This means I have 2 full weeks and 1 day of school left before finals. And my finals are both on Tuesday, Dec. 10th. I have 3-4 projects to work on, 3 papers to write and 2 notebooks to type up and turn in. So much to do in so little time. I believe I’ll be taking some homework with me to Thanksgiving if I’m able. Otherwise, it’s great that I’m not flying back to Texas because that’d be x amount of time that I’d have no choice but to spend. Now I can choose to drive back early to work on more assignments. God be with me through all of this.