need work
I grabbed your boobs, you peppersprayed me. Are you my soulmate?
All of a sudden, I’m out of an internship. In fact, I only have one job now and it’s the one job I was hoping to quit back in like May or June. I called up the people at my newest internship and it turns out that they don’t need my help. In fact, they can’t use my help. I finished their project they gave me and it was completed way before anyone expected. Thus, they don’t have anything for me.
This is bad. This means I all of a sudden have a lot more free time on my hands. This means I need to find something soon; an internship, work, anything really. I was hoping that maybe, possibly, working at this place would have helped me but it seems to have just kept me busy. Now, I’m pretty much back to where I was when I moved out here.
Am I being punished for breaking those mirrors 10 years ago? It sure would seem like it.