I don’t know if WordPress’ direction with Gutenberg really serves my interests. In fact, what does a world beyond WordPress look like now for this site?

My last system move was from MoveableType to WordPress in 2008. MoveableType was great to get used to CMSes, and WordPress was a huge improvement b/c of the growing community.

In 2024, Gutenberg is the future of WordPress. I’m not enthusiastic about it. Now that HTML, CSS, and JS are making regular strides with first-class APIs and modern upgrades like native Web Components, I’m kind of ready go back to something more native. The thought of development like I did back in the early 2000s is appealing, but with modern content management.

Maybe headless? Maybe all static generated? I don’t know. I’m exploring headless now b/c why not.

I’ll be on WordPress for a while, no doubt, but can I hit 2025 with something new here? or at least different? Who knows. Life is busy!