Well, I’ve been ignoring it for a few days, possibly the last week. But I think I’m officially sick. Sniffling and blowing my nose as though it were a faucet. I don’t feel too bad, just sick of blowing my nose.
This weekend I went to Dallas on Friday night and back to Houston on Saturday. The weekend wasn’t all that great but it’s okay for one reason. On Friday night, the whole computer giveaway should have been called Geeks Over Texas because it was about 700 or more geeks in one room waiting to win the biggest and bestest computer stuff. I didn’t win anything as expected. So on Sunday as I was on my way home, I was driving down Central Expressway and heard about Nichole Nordeman signing CDs at the Family Christian Bookstore. So I rushed over there and was the last one to get her CDs signed!! And, there’s a good chance she’ll remember me because she’s from Colorado Springs. It made my Saturday.
I didn’t get much sleep yesterday but went to lunch with Russell Martin. He’s got some great ideas for music recording and I might get him up to Colorado at some point. Pretty cool stuff. So after seeing Lord of the Rings with Russell, I came back home and we rented Final Destination. Not too much of a day.
Christmas in two days!