Since lists are a common practice among many people, here’s mine.

1. Redesign/touchup my website sometime in the near future
2. Buy Christmas presents
3. Make lots of money before I fly back to LA
4. Make a plan for finding serious work in LA when I get back
5. Make sure I see a couple of movies before the new year.
6. Buy some web design books and try to read them all the way through
7. Look into acting classes for January
8. Call everyone in LA helping me find work
9. Get in touch with everyone in the Denver area for Christmas visits
10. Use my camera more often and go to different places in Cali for photo trips
11. Finish about 3 more web projects
12. backup my personal computer files
13. Get some jobs
14. Get into the Christmas spirit

and probably a few more things when I think of them.