seven days and counting…
I’ve made so many memories involving the number seven, however relative they might be to other people. Jana knew I enjoyed the number seven. It feels like yesterday that we were dating and I brought up our imaginary future.
“Ya know, if we’re older and still single when the year 2007 roles around, I think we should get married on July 7.”
I think the idea to both of us was kinda far-fetched since we were so young and 2007 was so far away. Now it’s 2007 and it’s days away from July. The 7th day will probably come and go with little to no fanfare. I certainly won’t be getting married either. It kinda scares me how quickly this day has come.
I remember years ago when I was 10 thinking how far away 1995 was. In fact, I vividly remember the actual thought, but my memory has faded for the visual. I just remember the feeling I had. Then 1995 came and I could recall how I felt just 6 years previous. When 2000 struck, the same memory popped back up. It was weird knowing that I had that memory 11 years previous. And now, it’s been 18 years.
I’ve been away from LA for three weeks now, having visited Seattle, Canada and now Houston. And I’m a week away from flying back. This has been a return “home” like no other. And my return to LA shall be bittersweet.
The positives:
- Eating more Tex-Mex (although I haven’t nearly had enough)
- Spending time with so many friends (and so many more to go)
- Helping the clinic’s network reach a normal state (for the first time in a few years
- Seeing some friends get married (even though I had to actually ush one)
- Taking late night bike rides (I haven’t ridden in a long time; it was very nice)
- Seeing a lot of familiar places and recalling so many memories (reminiscing can be enjoyable)
- Life without television (I think I’m going to try really hard to force myself to read and exercise when I get back)
The negatives:
- Having to actually go to work almost full-time (with some overtime too)
- Realizing how single I am (however nice it can be)
- Being avoided by a couple of friends (it kinda hurts)
- Not spending enough time with some friends and family (I need the money, sadly; or they’re just too busy)
- Not much time to just veg and relax (there have been some long days)
- Not enough time spent in each place (I could have spent so much more time in Seattle and another week in Houston might have been nice)
I have no regrets, but I do have unfulfilled goals and desires. Time is all I have before new memories will be made. I can’t wait until my next adventures.