If you had asked me a year ago whether or not this would be what I’d be doing, I would have laughed in your face. I would have called you crazy and dismissed your question as just plain silly. Yet, I face the facts. I am here, I am applying myself, I am super busy.

I have two jobs, one at my internship and the other at Six Flags. I haven’t yet directly mentioned the theme park for reasons of censorship, but I feel comfortable enough now. It keeps me so busy lately and I feel like most of my free time is spent preparing for it or winding down from it. This weekend is my first weekend free to myself in over a month and it feels really good so far.

My job at the park is with the Batman show. I am a stage technician and I am in charge of helping the actors with their costumes as well as cleaning and preparing props and the stage for shows. It’s a physically intensive job and very good for me in that sense because I am so lazy about working out. As much as I don’t enjoy the low pay, I know this job is benefiting me physically. It also puts me in a social situation of working with lots of people, which I’m not used to being that I’ve been working with computers for so long.

During the show, I have such responsibilities as changing Batman costumes, Batgirl costumes, and starting some vehicles. There are so many different little things going on but I’d rather not bore you with the details.

As enjoyable as this summer job is, I am hoping that sooner than later I can find something suitable for me in the music field. My internship isn’t going to guarantee me a job, only experience. So I now begin my journey of establishing another source of income designing web pages as well as trying to continue to network with people in the industry. Being in it for yourself is very difficult when you don’t know many people, and being shy on top of all of that hinders my chances. I hope I learn how to make it happen soon because I am so ready to continue with this chapter of my life. It’s exciting, there’s much potential and I can’t wait to see what happens next!