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CLFP folks, tell me a tale…

Hey clinic friends, gather everyone around and comment me a tale. Tell me the adventures of your experiences of sitting in so much traffic, of rushing around on Wednesday, of all the people rushing to get their meds. I’m curious to know what happened!

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I wish I weren’t so bad about writing in this thing, but sometimes I’m just waiting for something special to happen. Other times I can’t think of what to say. And much of the time, it has to do with laziness. I just can’t motivate myself to sit myself here and write. It’s not like this a diary for me and only me cause I’m sure I could just sit and write a lot more. In fact, I sorta had a personal journal in high school (others might call it a diary… whatever). I kept up with it for I think three years or so before I just got sick of writing, which is sorta tragic because I know it improved my thought process. Hopefully I can continue on a semi-regular basis with this blog because I see a really busy time heading my way with what’s on the horizon!

It’s been just over a day since I left Houston and made my way back to LA. It was initially weird to go into the house and go into my room. I felt like I was back to another, completely different life. But, I eventually felt more comfortable. I guess the worst part was starving last night and today because I had no food except oatmeal and Ramen noodles left. So I went out a little today to get some groceries and plan to do the same the next few days. I also have some important phone calls to make regarding jobs as well as finishing up some projects I’ve been delaying. All by the end of the week if I can.

So anyway, Houston was a very nice time. It was such a pleasure seeing all the friends and family once again, if only I could make my visits a regular 6 month thing. I don’t, however, think this trend is going to be able to continue much longer for so many reasons I won’t go into. But, I’m sure I’ll be back before I know it!

And to all you ladies at CLFP, I had a great time as usual playing with you when I “was working”. Well, I shouldn’t put that in quotes because I swear that I really was working, it just seemed like all I did was go to the back with the computers, type and stare at a computer for a few minutes, then make my way to another room. Almost pseudo-work looking like I kept busy. But, little do all of you ladies know exactly what I did, which is exactly the point of my job there! The only thing that I must do sometime in the next few months, hopefully before summer ends, is to send a postcard to you, Dawn. You asked for it, I delivered once and failed once. I shall not fail again! Oh, and if any of the rest of you have any more computer questions and problems, I do have some info on my website that would be very valuable to you, and I also have e-mail so drop me a line. I won’t actually write it on here, but it’s my first name at asuh dot com. Comment me all you want, but if you decide to e-mail me, DO NOT E-MAIL ME from your normal PC at work. Get your ass up, walk over to the Mail PC, and do it from there. When I come back, I’ll check the logs to make sure you listened to me or I’ll bust your ass down so fast…

Okay, enough of my message to all those crazy people (not literally, you crazy people, figuratively). I had a great time meeting up with everyone else I was able to get ahold of and always look forward to seeing other Houstonian peoples. And if you read this, are from the Houston area and didn’t know I was in town or didn’t hear from me, it’s because I was way too busy or don’t like you, whichever is more convenient. :o)

Oh, one last thing, I’m gonna know the location of any new comments to this thread, so no one is safe! I know how to trace everything. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!