Look, it’s Me!
Finally, after almost a month of absence, I have a website back up. I hope that this jump starts my redesign, but who knows what’ll happen because my schedule is crazy right now. But, it’s nice to be back up and running.
During the month of absence, I have started a new job in Santa Monica. It has been going well, but I’m still not happy about the hours which I sleep, which is usually anywhere between 4-7 depending on the night. I can’t function well on just 4-5. I never have. Thus, everyday that I’ve been to work I feel very tired. Not because work sucks or anything, but because my body is just fighting to stay awake half the time. Everyone tells me I’ll adjust . . . uh huh . . .
I think that my adjustment will only be physical, not mental. I’ve always been a night person. I function so well at night; I’m productive, I’m happier. Nighttime is my time. But not on the weeknights. Not anymore, or at least not while I’m working here. I need to fight my urge to stay up late and go to sleep at a decent time.
My commute.
It sucks.
I spent a few days adjusting and figuring out the best times to drive in the morning. Well, after spending no less than an hour in traffic every morning, I decided to start waking up at 5am so that I can leave at 5:20ish and get to the garage at about 6am. That’s right, I’m up at 5am everyday. I’d much rather drive here in decent time than spend most of it sitting in traffic. Why? Because I can be productive and go to the gym and workout in the morning.
Yes, you heard me! Your vision isn’t going bad.
I’ve actually started a little routine of going to the gym before work and jogging/power walking for 30 minutes with 5 minutes of warm down. Sitting here thinking about it, I feel like 30 minutes is nothing. But, at the time, at the end of my jog, I’m soooo ready to stop. It’s weird, but in a little way it’s very satisfying to know that I’ve exercised my body. Eventually I’m going to do some weight training as well so that I can give my body tone. I don’t believe that I’ll ever get huge. But, as long as I’m in shape and feel good about how I look, nothing else matters.
I think this morning routine is really good for me because it keeps me very accountable for my actions. I am responsible to myself to exercise. Most who know me know that I never work out, hate to plan things and love to be spontaneous. However, in a small way this routine, this plan that I’ve laid out for myself is good for me and I sorta enjoy it. Besides, I might as well take advantage of the opportunities this company gives me so that I come out on top physically and financially. And being responsible for my accountability is the first step.
Hmm… My shirt that I’m wearing has a very distinct aroma, that of what I typically smell from Indians (not Native Americans) which isn’t pleasing to me, nothing against those who do smell like this. Time to rewash this shirt!
So what exactly do I do at this new job? Well, I am working with the web team, and we have been implementing a new internal website since I got here. Because I started on the tail of this project, I have been given tasks that are more like busy work, such as data entry or modification of files. Not typically very fun, but it’s productive work to help further the company (at least I should continue to tell myself that). Also, I do not understand 95% of the material which we I have been modifying. There’s a lot of financial terminology and figures and facts and numbers. It’s all a puzzle to me, and not one that I truly care to solve. All I know is if the website looks good, other people can use it, I’m doing my job. Oh, the joy of being a web designer!
One of the perks of this job is the location. I drive along Ocean Avenue for a few minutes before I turn off, meaning I get to see the Santa Monica beach everyday of my commute. Although, this might change if I begin taking the bus soon, but from my desk, I can turn my head about 45 degrees to the left and see the Ocean. It’s really nice. And we’re also close to just about everything in this location. I’m new to the area, so most everything is my first time.