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WordPress 2.5 against MovableType 4.1

Wordpress logoWhen I decided to try a weblog so many years ago, I had no idea where to start or what to do. I started out with a couple of years on a no name system before falling in love with Movable Type in 2004.

Movable Type became my CMS and was solid. It appeared to be superior in development and features compared to its rivals. They later changed their business plan and charged for their blogging system. I think the community was offended and I noticed less support and praise. Suddenly, out of nowhere, comes open source platform WordPress.

WordPress had a quite a buzz. When I first tried it out in versions 1.5, I was impressed. However, with all the upgrade and plug-in problems, I decided it wasn’t worth it for me to switch from Movable Type. I was happy with what I had, knowing I had a growing problem.

To end a long story with a short ending, I integrated Movable Type’s lackluster commenting system with the power behind phpBB. This served me wonderfully until my web host decided to screw me over a few years ago and shut down. Setting Movable Type back up and reintegrating it was a nightmare; it was an ongoing mess.

Fast forward: Movable Type 4.1 released itself as open source, WordPress 2.5 was released. As I’m a huge fan of Happy Cog and their products, I knew 2.5 would be an amazing update to WordPress’ admin system. Indeed, it was enough. MT 4.1 was an amazing update, but its anemic community and lack of interest was enough to drive me away. Not permanently, however.

Jump over for some additional commentary.


backend upgrade complete

Nothing you can see but I had to reload the whole backend and make a few upgrades. I had put this off since last summer when my previous host took my site offline all of a sudden. So I’m now up to the latest MovableType software and I completely reloaded my phpBB software.

I’ve also decided to make my comments only available to registered users. No more anonymous comments because spammers have been abusing it and it’s really annoying when I’m having to clean a lot of spam out daily.

Next on the agenda for this site is new designs. I need to refresh badly.

I also hope to integrate more cool things and make my site more interactive for others who visit. One thing I’d love to do eventually is have a database for my groovy albums. But that’s work that I’m not ready to take on right now.

I also hope to get a photo gallery up and running. There’s a really cool software package that I’ve found but can’t seem to get it working just yet.