where does time go?
I was watching Saturday Night Live tonight when I started thinking about a thought I had about 3 weeks ago. It was the night of November 16th and I saw that a new episode of SNL wasn’t appearing again until December 7th. I remember thinking how it was 3 weeks… such a long time but it’d be here before I knew. And now it’s gone. I thought about that thought tonight and realized how quickly it passed. I couldn’t believe it.
In fact, I remember on one specific occasion in 1989 thinking that the year 1995 would be here in no time. Over the next 6 years, I remembered thinking that thought knowing it was gonna be sooner and sooner. I couldn’t believe that 1995 came so fast but it wasn’t as fast as 2002 has arrived in the past few years.
Now it’s been 7 years since 1995 and I can’t believe it’s been 23 years that I’ve been alive. I can vividly remember thinking little childish thoughts like the one I just described because I did a lot of that kind of thing. I could sit here right now and think to myself “Gosh, 2007 is over 4 years away” but it isn’t as significant as my thought that 1995 was a few years away from 1989.
Does this make sense? It does to me.
So I download a few songs from Kazaa tonight from Nichole Nordeman. I hadn’t really listened to her before but she’s amazing. I can’t believe how good she is in her compositions. I might ask a friend of mine at UCF to perform the song “Every Season” next semester because it’s an awesome song musically. Who knows, maybe before then.