When I decided to look at my bank account tonight, I noticed you left me a present. I didn’t even ask you for one and yet I’m richer than I was just one day ago. Good times.

Although I appreciate your charity, I’m a little confused. Where is this money coming from? When I look at the amount of debt the US has, it makes me wonder from whom we’re borrowing to stimulate our economy? See this site? Most of the numbers on this site are flowing in the wrong direction. These numbers also mean you’ve sent me some kind of magical money that our government doesn’t have.

I see the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates just recently. This also means they are printing more money. Hmm… Doesn’t printing more money, “magical money” like you’re giving me, basically stimulate inflation? But wait, I thought this was an economic stimulous package?

My TV broke a couple of months ago and I’ve been eyeing a new one. But wait, doesn’t a lot of the money go back to the manufacturers of the TVs? Bummer. Most of the TV makers are foreign companies. So I guess buying a brand new HDTV isn’t going to do much, is it.

I think I’ll just store this money in my savings account until I need to take it back out to pay for my rent. So much for stimulating the economy.

IRS, thanks for the good effort but how about next time we look at better solutions.

