If I were to ask a random number of people this one question, I’m sure that I could guess many people’s answers.

What instrument that creates music sounds the cutest?

Flute? Oboe? Nah, those are cute. But there’s one instrument that is quite often used in movies and in music in general that always portrays cute. It’s called the bells, similar to the xylophone but much smaller. You hear this instrument in such movies as the recent Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. One of my favorite all time uses of this instrument was in the glowing, feel-good movie Home Alone. And another classic containing the light-hearted strum is Edward Scissorhands.

Speaking of percussive instruments:

*warning* , the following link contains explicit language not suitable for children.


I found myself wasting 5 minutes playing with this xylophone. Interesting the kind of things you find on google.

Speaking of music, it’s been a very long time since I’ve really played. I don’t practice the piano very much these days. I haven’t touched the French Horn in a few years. I just don’t make the time for those things at the moment as sad as it is. I wish I could live in a huge studio apartment and spread everything out so that I could do whatever I wanted, whenever. There are many more things I would probably do in the privacy of my own home than I will in someone else’s house. Well, someday maybe that will be.