two years and counting
March 1st marked two years since I moved to Los Angeles. This now marks the longest time I’ve lived anywhere since I graduated high school and left for college. Ever since then, I’ve only lived in several places for no more than two years at a time, sometimes only lasting a few months at a time. I’ve been on the go, from one place to another always looking for the next opportunity. And I have had a lot of fun along the way!
I don’t know what the future holds for me. There are still so many different things I want to do and places I want to experience. I’m sure my life is going to continue to bring new people into my life and I can’t wait to meet new friends! I have hopes of seeing the world in ways that most people can only imagine, and trying to figure out how will be just another journey in itself.
I have not accomplished those things which I’ve wanted to since I moved here to LA, and I know that once I get through this time of being so completely busy with different projects I will be able to pursue doing those things for which I came here. I also have to fight my laziness because as busy as I can be, I take every moment I can to literally do nothing. Maybe it’s an overall stress of being so busy which I fight to waste time doing nothing, but right now I need the time to myself to do nothing. It’s relaxing and I miss it.
I wonder how long I’m actually going to stay here in LA. Obviously, I plan on being here for a while since I’m working a job. I’m making decent money, paying off debt, saving for my future and all the while trying to figure out how to make my next moves after deciding which moves to actually make.
Sometimes, I’m asked about my dating life. People who don’t know me are generally surprised when I say that it’s been a while since I’ve really dated anyone. And by really dated, I mean where there was mutual interest to date someone and enjoy the relationship. I’ve been on a couple of dates since moving here but nothing has ever happened beyond a first or second date because I have truly had no interest. I’d love to find someone or for someone to find me. But I don’t know that who I am right now is selfless enough to give what a person should in a relationship. It would be awesome in the one sense, but a burden in the other. I’m not ready to settle down; I’m just ready to continue having fun with life. So that’s where I stand and probably will stand for a few years to come. And then again, people usually find someone when they’re not looking so who knows what shall happen.
It’s been a very interesting, very different two years since moving here. I’ve changed. The world has changed. And it’s shall keep on going no matter where I am. Hopefully sooner than later I’ll be able to experience some of these remote changes in person, making a difference in ways outside of web design and affecting those around me with the passion I have for life.
Bring it on.