I just realized after seeing the front of my webpage that I haven’t updated it very well in the past few months. My posts have been far and in between. I’ve had so much going on that it’s difficult to make time to write on here. Hopefully I can make many new comments this week before my 3 week vacation. I’ll talk about that another time.

I got back from UM ARMY this week up in Ft. Worth. As always, it was fun and nice to help people to help people. I was on the programs staff to entertain all of the kids at the camp. Comparing this camp to last year, it went much more smoothly. I think I’m finally starting to get the hang of it after all these years!

This is crunch week for me as I try to finish my CD and send the copy up to Boulder for it to get replicated. That’ll be a huge task off my shoulders once it is all done! I really wish I could make some money this week for my trip but the CD is my priority. For my first huge project ever, this CD really is starting to come along. Once everything is completed, I might be able to post one of the songs online for everyone to download, but I’ll have to clear it with a few people first.