my week off
After a nice Thanksgiving holiday, I decided I should extend this time off while I can. So, I took all of this past week off just relaxing. It was a very nice time to do nothing. I would love to extend it but I shall be responsible and continue to earn my living.
Christmas is here. Well, almost here. I’m not ready for it to be here but it’s here. I have no shopping done, I don’t really want to go shopping, and I’d love to just skip Christmas this year and fast-forward to the time in my life when I’m happier and have something of a job or purpose. The holidays become meaningless when there’s not as much to look forward to. Sure, I enjoy being with family and friends and that’s enough for me. But this holiday I still don’t have a job, or I still don’t know my purpose for waking up every morning. I don’t want a full-time, 8-5 job. But I would love income that didn’t take as much effort.
I applied for a job recently. Surprisingly, even to myself, I applied for an assistant youth director position. I don’t know if this is for me, but I had to see what they said and see if I liked what I saw. It is a really nice position but my main concern is being able to afford to take the job. I would have to move out near the church but the salary I’d be paid is nowhere near enough for me to live because of all the expenses I already have with student loans. Arg, darn these stupid loans.
I was working on my computer the other day when the mail came. Supposedly, I have a subscription to FHM. Why does this matter? Because I now have a ton of free subscriptions including Maxim, Stuff, and Blender. This excludes a few others but I’m pretty much subscribed to some pretty nice Men’s magazines. I didn’t realize I had signed up for FHM but I welcome the stories. They’re nice toilet articles!
Word for the year: Postmodern