Sonic Boom
This morning at approximately 5:07am, as I was drying up and grooming myself, I heard a very loud noise, thinking that someone outside my bathroom door needed in and was almost kicking the door for some reason. It was a little strange, especially at five in the morning. So I waited a little to see if anyone was going to talk to me, but no responses. I then slowly opened the door, looked around, and saw no one around.
“Strange,” I thought to myself.
I didn’t think much of it and continued to prepare myself for the work day. At the gym, I was watching one of about five TVs that I usually switch around to see what’s showing on each of them. One of the stories that was played on the news stations was ths shuttle landing. Still no relation to me about the loud noise this morning.
During one of the little projects I was working on this morning, a coworker asked us if we heard the sonic boom.
“Yeah, I did!” I exclaimed, proceeding to tell the story. It hadn’t even dawned on me until right then that what I heard was in fact the sonic boom of the space shuttle landing at Edwards Air Force Base.
Edwards is about, oh, 70 miles to the northeast of the house. This means the shuttle was only a mile or so above the house when it passed. It’s too bad it landed so early, it would have been really neat to watch it land. Then again, I’m sure half of LA county would have been there had they known.