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the Power of Words

Writing has never been a passion of mine. I lack the creativity and interesting story telling that are needed to be successful and entertaining. I can usually carry on an intelligent conversation through writing, but I tend to make countless grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes here and there, and what I do say is sometimes just mindless jibber jabber. I now realize that I am missing a lot by not knowing how to write more effectively.


remember when . . .

. . the Toadies were rockin’ the airwaves?? On the roadtrip, I went through most of Jonathan’s CDs which included a CD of Toadies (Rubberneck). It was probably one of the best CDs ever made. Almost every song on the CD made the charts and are very easy to listen to. I wonder what happened to them?

Did You Know > that the Toadies started in Ft. Worth, Texas?

If you have read past entries and seen them change soon thereafter, it’s because I’m fully aware that my grammar isn’t perfect. So, I reread them to make sure that it’s 80-90% correct. I wasn’t an English major, I made 3 D’s in high school in sophomore honors English therefore I will make more mistakes. Tough times if it annoys you, I’m doing my best.