new job!
My 2nd week on the job, and it’s going very well! I started a new job last Tuesday in Hollywood. I work for a company which sells gift baskets to the Hollywood/LA area and it’s such a great place to work! Although I hold no official title, I work on web design, programming for different medias and database entry and coding.
This is only a part time job, doesn’t offer the essential benefits I so sorely need, but it’s a great start. I will now have the means to begin to support myself as well as saving for the future. I can also continue to train myself for future web projects and prepare for more web design work. Once we make some changes to the website, I will probably plug the website on here. But until that time, I shall let it remain anonymous.
So what does this mean for me? That I’ve gotta take this seriously, work the hours that I need and start to figure out how to hold up for the future. I’m not giving up on the music, that’s why I moved out here. But at the moment, at this period of time, it’s just not viable for me to pursue anything else. I think it’s important to take advantage of opportunities presented to you, and this was definitely something I needed to pursue.
So why has the music thing not worked out? There are many reasons, some of which are my fault. I was not persistent enough, not contacting those in the industry to find some work as much as I should have. I did not follow up, try to network with other people enough. I spent most of my time doing other things that kept my interest. And I have not consistently been around the area, taking many trips to Texas, Colorado and Germany in the past few months. These reasons are all my accountability for my situation. And I have no regrets (especially Germany!). The main reasons, in my opinion, for my lack of jobs in the music industry is because of bad timing, not knowing the right people at the right time, and just not being in the right situation. Timing and networking are extremely important in the entertainment industry. Talent counts for like 5-10%. Looks are about 10-15%. And timing and networking are the rest. It’s sad, but true.
So now I look forward to this new time as I adjust, as I figure out my next moves. It’s not always the easiest way to live life but I’m used to it now. Hopefully things will change but if it stays this way a while, I won’t complain too much.