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Author Micah Cambre
night time, city lights in the background, at night, showing a telephone post with text saying 'big data is watching you'

online resolutions

I never made formal resolutions for any new year. That said, it’s a good practice to better yourself so I think I’ll continue what I started doing last year with my digital presence.

I’m struggling to find a balance between personal privacy and being public. I don’t know where to draw the line right now. For that reason, I’ve practically given up publishing my content or data online. It’s gloomy to feel like the internet wants to do nothing more than take advantage of me. That’s where most of my thoughts go every time I want to post something like this.

So, as a continuation of a personal resolution to take back control of my digital life instead of mindlessly feeding my data into all the apps, I will do two things this year.


I began a personal quest to protect myself from services like Facebook by encapsulating how I use it everywhere. In a significant way, I’ve removed my voice from most apps and sites by participating as little as possible. I’ve removed any data I can from search engines that I don’t think belongs there. I continue doing these things like not installing Google Chrome on any computer and uninstall it from all my personal computers. Chrome is replaced with Brave Browser but I primarily use Firefox for everything now. I will continue to wind down using large companies products as I’m able to and support freely available open source software.

This all comes at a cost. I don’t have a way to privately share my life outside of some targeted private messages, calls or seeing people in person. It’s extreme and uneasy to disconnect from large parts of society. However, the more I learn about what’s going on, the more I think this active approach to privacy is needed.


I don’t know how I’ll find a good balance, but I must consider that the majority of people I care about live outside of my personal physical and digital bubble. I want to be more present with life outside of occasional private messages. Anything that goes here on this website will be public enough that data aggregators can have it. I can’t control that part but I can control what I put out there.

This is a public pledge that I treat as a fun adventure to learn and help society however possible. I will live as a naive optimist that privacy isn’t completely dead, doesn’t have to be, and there’s always a good way to be online. The internet has provided so much to me, but it’s now a place that takes even more from me. I choose not to give it so much. I will continue this journey by embracing ideals of using small technology.


This is me reminding myself that we’re living in the best of times in human history. Even if my privacy fears are real, I need reminders that ultimately I’ll be fine. Too often, nothing is as bad as it seems in a moment. I can’t change reality but I can change how I react.

20 plus 20

This year, I lived as many years after 2000 as I did before 2000.

Replied to Noteworthy Admin CSS changes in WordPress 5.3 (Make WordPress Core)

WordPress 5.3 will introduce a number of CSS changes in WordPress admin. While the necessity to improve wp-admin accessibility was previously raised in several Trac tickets, Gutenberg’s recent inte…

I admire seeing WordPress move forward keeping accessibility as a priority after its misstep in the 5.0 release. These buttons are a continuation of this priority.

However, it’s disappointing to see a block of form controls and buttons that are too close in design aesthetic to each other.

The image I attached in my previous post is what I see on the comments list page in the Dashboard. I see multiple UI and UX problems with the above block.

I could list out the problematic state changes that are hard to see to the nearly identical styles between input fields and buttons. Inconsistent component heights, confusing applied border colors, Midnight Admin Color Scheme active button state on “Search Comments” button being completely red, and more are things I would attribute to not enough QA and testing for this release.

I think this mini-audit above should give you enough alarm to resolve these issues asap, in the next point releases.

wordpress 5.3 buttons are weird

I updated WordPress to version 5.3, saw the changes to the button styles, and then came upon this.

buttons within WordPress 5.3

I like the updated button styles, which in isolation, are transparent background colors with text and borders that are colored. This style works sometimes and is a good contrast from the button styles with solid background colors.

I don’t like that the hover or focus states of these new button styles barely changes. I also don’t like how closely the buttons mirror the form elements. There’s inconsistency in button styles throughout the whole system now with some that use solid background colors and others using transparent background colors.

I’m disappointed in this from a UX perspective. The overall state of WordPress accessibility might have improved in 5.3 but this feels like a regression.

EDIT: It looks like many others share this opinion, in different ways.

wifi only

My phone is at home, switched into airplane mode so cellular radio is off, but connected to Wifi with calling enabled. Unnecessary sure, but interesting! Better for security? Probably not. But less is more, right?

I hope will eventually work on dual monitor redraws and windows placements with a secondary monitor. It’s annoying I split windows between a laptop monitor and secondary monitor, unplug and re-plug, where the windows placements aren’t remembered.

windows dual monitor sucks

It’s that simple. What’s not so simple is the nuance and variability of getting it right. So many graphics cards, so many retina and non-retina displays and monitors, moving windows from one monitor to the other, plugging in and unplugging the second screen, it’s quite a mess.

AMD’s method or redrawing the GUI on a new or second monitor is weird, where everything starts at the top left. In fact, often the windows all get shoved to the top left in this scenario instead of a redraw in relatively the same place.

Maybe it’s just my Acer monitor? Plugging my XPS 9575 into my Acer 27″ monitor can take up to 15 seconds to get everything in its place. But then again, Windows doesn’t seem to remember the placement of the session’s previous layout with two monitors. If I have a full-screen editor in my laptop monitor with other browser windows on the secondary monitor (set as my primary), and then I unplug and later re-plug back in, that full-screen editor takes up the secondary monitor.

Moving windows between the monitors is also an annoyance. With the XPS high resolution vs the Acer’s standard resolution, the redraws that happen during moving one to the other can cause enough rendering issues that things get squashed, resized, and displaced on the destination monitor.

I can look past a lot of this but I don’t enjoy the experience of connecting two monitors together with Windows 10.

craft cms inside of laravel homestead on windows 10 using wsl

Install Craft button

I’m jotting this down for future Micah because there are a couple of things in this process that weren’t obvious to me despite at least a couple of tutorials going through the process of installing Craft CMS from scratch using Laravel Homestead on Windows 10. I wanted to include Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) so this goes a little further.

I will mirror a similar tutorial that has a lot of the same steps but I will highlight on my pain points because of using the Bash script.

Set Windows up

Let’s get Windows set up first. Configure and install the following below, or use the commands below this list.

Use Powershell for these commands.
Install Chocolatey

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex1

Install Virtualbox and Vagrant

cinst virtualbox vagrant

Install the Homestead Vagrant box

vagrant box add laravel/homestead

This will take a while, possibly more than an hour if your internet speed is low. I’d suggest you keep this running the background in another terminal window while you take care of the rest of this. If you haven’t already installed WSL below, I’d wait to run the above command until you reboot Windows.

Install WSL

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

WSL made this process a little more challenging because Bash inside of Windows is not yet a first class citizen when it comes to traversing the operating system. Within the Ubuntu distro, there are packages that need to be added.

Use Bash on WSL for these commands.

Check what’s already installed in WSL

apt list --installed

Install what you don’t have from the following.

Update packages list

sudo apt-get update

Install PHP latest version and verify it installed

sudo apt-get install php
php -v

Install PHP CURL

sudo apt-get install php-curl

This fixed an error I kept getting:

craftcms/cms [version number] requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.

Install Composer and move into global path

php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
php -r "if (hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') === 'a5c698ffe4b8e849a443b120cd5ba38043260d5c4023dbf93e1558871f1f07f58274fc6f4c93bcfd858c6bd0775cd8d1') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
php composer-setup.php
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

Verify everything is installed so far, now it’s time to get through the rest of the installation process.

Use Bash on WSL for the rest of this.

Homestead configuration

Note: I am approaching this as a global installation because it allows Craft to stay encapsulated from the web server that Homestead creates. It also allows you to use Homestead for multiple projects for the same Homestead environment.

Create projects directory or use existing one; this is where your web projects live.


Above is an example on my OS where my web projects live. Now let’s go in there and create the Homestead container directory for your Craft projects.

cd C:\Users\[username]\Sites\
mkdir [homestead_container] && cd [homestead_container]

where [homestead_container] is the name of the company or project. This directory will contain two sub-directories, one for the Craft repository files and the other for vendor files containing Homestead.

You should now be in the following directory shown in Bash:


Continue using Bash on WSL for the following commands in the current directory.

Install Homestead

composer require laravel/homestead

Generate Vagrantfile and Homestead files

php vendor/bin/homestead make

Install Craft

Install Craft (for new installations)

composer create-project craftcms/craft [Path]

where [Path] is the name of the sub-directory containing Craft. I just called it craft.

Your directory structure will probably match this screenshot
project files

Configure Homestead

Open Homestead.yaml in your editor. As of Homestead 9.0.7, you’ll see the following generated code in the Homestead file.

memory: 2048
cpus: 2
provider: virtualbox
authorize: ~/.ssh/
    - ~/.ssh/id_rsa
        map: ~/code
        to: /home/vagrant/code
        map: craft.test
        to: /home/vagrant/code/public
    - homestead
        mariadb: false
        ohmyzsh: false
        webdriver: false
name: [homestead_container]
hostname: [homestead_container]

This is where I started with my confusion. I’ll highlight only a few lines that might cause issues.


Most of the time, this won’t be an issue. If your internal network, or LAN, is using a network in the range of ip: 192.168.10.x, you’ll have to change the last two ranges of the IP address so that it’s not starting with 10.

As long as the above is valid, the next issue to verify is that your firewall won’t prevent the localhost from starting. Sometimes firewalls can be aggressive and Windows Defender, VPNs like NordVPN, PIA, Mullvad and others, or Antivirus applications can all prevent localhost connections from being made. Each has its own IP filtering that you should make sure isn’t getting in the way. If there is a firewall blocking localhost, you might get a general failure when you ping the above IP address. This has bitten me before!

Inside of folders: and sites:, let’s make updates.

        map: C:/Users/[username]/Sites/[homestead_container]
        to: /home/vagrant/code
        type: "nfs"

The first major thing I got stuck on is how to update the map value above. In this section, map is the local directory that contains your project and to is a directory inside of the Vagrant VM that mirrors the local machine. It’s syncing both ways, so you can make changes locally in your editor or you can SSH into Vagrant and make edits on the mirrored files and they will automagically stay in sync.

We can’t use this UNIX-based directory structure syntax since this is Windows


We have to use the inherent Windows structure syntax


EXCEPT for some reason the backward slash must be converted to forward slash!


When running the Vagrant virtual machine and trying to use my browser to go to the domain name specified inside of this file, all that would come up in the browser window

No Input File Specified

I couldn’t find any documentation on what was going on until I studied this Homestead installation tutorial and saw his use of the forward slash. It was such a small nuance that was easy to overlook!

Laravel briefly touches on the inclusion of NFS, but after a little research, I found that including NFS is a good idea for speed optimization. With that, we need to add NFS support to Vagrant in Windows.

vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd

Using Homestead on Windows will probably be slow. Using it with WSL will probably be just as slow. When I say slow, it can take the browser anywhere from just a few seconds to anywhere up to 20-30 seconds just to start loading the asset files like CSS and JS. My average is about 7-10 seconds to get to that point. That’s really bad and I hope this improves as I learn more. With this in mind, there are some tweaks that can be made to speed up Vagrant inside of [homestead_folder]\vendor\laravel\homestead\scripts\homestead.rb with regard to NFS.

Look for a line that looks like the following:

mount_opts = folder['mount_options'] ? folder['mount_options'] : ['actimeo=1', 'nolock']

The last two array items are two mount_options and the article on speeding up Vagrant shows more possible options that you can add to that array to help speed up access and read times.

This whole section took a week to wrap my head around so I’m glad I could document it for others using Windows!

Let’s continue.

Map the updated domain name to the correct public directory inside of craft

        map: craft.test
        to: /home/vagrant/code/craft/web

Change map to your preferred domain name. I’d suggest not using .dev for anything since Google now owns this and it can resolve on the regular internet. This is why I kept .test.

to needs to read the public directory inside of Craft. Older versions of Craft show a public directory outside of the craft folder. The latest versions of Craft 3 show the public directory as web inside of the Craft folder.

Finally, update the database

    - craft

If you didn’t already install vagrant-hostmanager, you’ll need to update your HOSTS file so that the virtual host name will resolve in the browser. Otherwise, vagrant-hostmanager is smart enough to do this for you. craft.test

Optionally, I recommend enabling MariaDB for MySQL. It’s more efficient in several ways, enough so that it’s worth enabling every time.

mariadb: true

Turn on Homestead

Run Vagrant

vagrant up

This will take a few seconds to provision everything with the virtual machine and get its contained server up and running. Once completed, go to your browser and let’s go to the URL.


If everything was set up correctly, you should now see a 503 error that indicates the database isn’t set up correctly. If you don’t see something like a 503 error, or if you see the same thing I got earlier saying No Input File Specified, revisit the above sections to make sure everything was updated correctly.

Configure the Database

If you need to import a specific database, follow these instructions to import your database into Vagrant.

For new Craft installations, update the environment file inside of Craft. In your editor, open the craft directory and find the .env file. We have to make a couple of edits to the credentials.

# The database username to connect with

# The database password to connect with

# The name of the database to select

This should now allow you to get into the Craft installation page



  1. New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('' []

fixing audio issues on windows computers

Recently, I purchased a Dell XPS 9575 laptop because I’m fascinated by the hybrid laptop and tablet modes in one computer. This was also my way to re-immerse myself into the Windows ecosystem after using it less and less in the last decade outside of a large desktop computer.

I’m now reminded what it’s like to use a computer that regularly has driver issues. One time it might be my laggy touchpad, just from tapping it to select something and the selection isn’t instantaneous. Another time, it’s plugging headphones back in and sound doesn’t work in the headphones, audio still coming out of the internal speakers. You get the idea.

Just this week, I found a solution for the headphone jack problem that didn’t first occur to me but is a good idea to fix more of these issues in the future. The audio chip inside of this Dell laptop is made by Realtek. Realtek provides its own drivers to make this computer’s audio work and generally it works pretty well, except when it doesn’t.

When I turn the laptop on from a cold boot up, I can have the headphones plugged into the computer and it works just fine. When I unplug the headphones, the audio comes out of Dell’s internal speakers. Plugging the headphones back in? Sounds still comes out of the internal speakers. It’s enough to drive you mad.

I spent a few weeks looking for solutions with little success, only that I have the restart my computer every time to make it work again. It wasn’t until I ran across an answer describing the process to switch away from Realtek’s drivers and over to Windows default audio drivers that I found the solution.

I don’t recall if this is new to me or a distant reminder from older days of putting together computers, but it was definitely an effective way to solve this stupid audio issue. It also demonstrates that default Windows drivers are likely good enough to solve more problems like this in the future.

All of that said, would I recommend this laptop, a Dell computer, or Windows to anyone else? Not this model, I’m ready to upgrade to a new one. Dell computers are still well built and this one is beautiful, but the battery life is terrible. And Windows laptops are still an excellent choice for people, sure. But if I do change, I’d probably go with the next version of the Surface Book. Can’t beat getting Microsoft products straight from Microsoft!

I’m mentally stuck in the middle between using modern JS ecosystems that blow up separation of concerns by integrating everything into one javascript file and using non-JS paradigms that still mostly promote decoupling. Is this PTSD? I think I’m bitter!