Quoted Web Components will replace your frontend framework by Danny Moerkerke (dannymoerkerke.com)

The benefits of native web components are clear:

  • native, no framework needed
  • easy integration, no transpilation needed
  • truly scoped CSS
  • standard, just HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Whoa, native support for Web Components is here? Going through the process of learning advanced Javascript, React.js and broader programming, the prospect of Web Components being a system I can use that browsers already support is so appealing.

The biggest concern I want to learn about is accessibility and the fact that Web Components basically use an extension of javascript to work. I browse the web with plugins that disable Javascript by default for most sites and I enable what I want to run, for security, privacy and performance reasons (maybe a topic for another post).

There are so many quotable lines in his post that I wish I could highlight everything here but just go read it for yourself.

EDIT June 30: As much as I want to believe in the hype, I’m going to continue my front-end code without web components.