This weekend I was fortunate enough to see the first two movies of the Terminator. I had no chance when I was younger to view these movies because of two reasons:

A. I was too young for The Terminator. I think it came out when I was 5. How perfect would that have been if my parents brought me to the theater that young?!

B. Terminator 2: Judgement Day came out when I was in the 6th/7th grade. Yeah, again I was still too young according to my parents. Either way, I would rather have not seen the movie unless I had seen the Terminator.

So now, 19 years after the Terminator arrived in theaters, I sat down to see one of the great action adventures of our time. I now realize how ahead of its time the Terminator was. So many different special effects and cool visual effects that weren’t really used before. The same can be said about T2. Lots of great special effects that were cutting edge at the time.

I now will go see T3 in the movie theater!

I would say my biggest comment about either of these movies is how rather pessimistic about society they are. (Warning, possible spoiler ahead). The fear of a nuclear holocaust in T2 is to this day a very scary thought. The scene where you see LA going up in flames because of an atomic bomb hitting the city was so real, probably more so today than back then. I hope humans don’t resort to this anytime soon and certainly not in my lifetime!

These movies in their own rights were very controversial and for good reasons. But they had good messages about human life and how we interact with our neighbors.

On the similar line of controversy, I am very much looking forward to the hugely disputatious movie the Passion. If you click on the link, it’ll take you to a site where you can download a trailer and commentary by Mel Gibson. I personally don’t care how controversial this movie is; it will spark talk about Jesus and his life among a lot of people, possibly opening eyes and hearts. What’s aggrevating about this movie, however, is the fact that it’s 90% completed, or at least the filming is wrapped up. Why is the so annoying? Well, it won’t be released until mid next year!!! So we have to wait (build suspension as a possible marketing strategy as well as screening to all sects keep it politically correct with all denominations) until next year to even see it! Arg…